Work Packages
INTERVENE's actions are divided into nine interconnected and mutually supportive work packages
Compliant and standardised data access for federated analyses
Data harmonisation, integration, and evaluation of genetic scores
Development of AI-derived solutions for clinical care
Sustainable infrastructure for genetic score reporting and AI development: the IGS4EU platform
AI solutions in clinical setting
Ethical and legal framework for AU and genetics
Project management and coordination
Dissemination, exploitation, and sustainability of the project outcomes
Ethics requirements

Overview of INTERVENE work packages
Overview of INTERVENE Work Packages
WP1 - Compliant and standardised data access for federated analyses
This work package will build the technical infrastructure to support federated analysis based on AI algorithms for the personalised medicine use cases. It will also establish a Data Coordination Center (DCC) that aligns project efforts with the global standards being developed as part of ELIXIR, BBMRI and GA4GH. The DCC also supports INTERVENE consortium member access to the data. In this work package we create a data analysis environment that hosts the consortium data collected from over 1.7 million individuals with associated genetic data. It will also provide computational resources for validating new AI algorithms developed by the INTERVENE partners and the broader AI community.
WP2 - Data harmonisation, integration, and evaluation of genetic scores
WP2 harmonizes genetic, other -omics and phenotypic data across studies for federated cross-dataset and cross-institution analysis and to evaluate the risk scores generated by using AI-based approaches through:
1. Harmonizing genetic and other -omics data with a specific focus on standards for generation and reporting of genetic scores.
2. Defining a core set of ‘disease endpoints’ based on electronic health record or registry data and link it with established ontologies.
3. Evaluating the quality of ‘disease endpoints’ definition across healthcare systems using genetic score and AI-based methods applied to real world evidence data.
4. Testing the predictive abilities and generalizability of genetic scores within and between studies.
WP3 - Development of AI-derived solutions for (personalised) clinical care
This work package is focused on methods development. First, we will implement state-of-the-art algorithms to calculate genetic scores. Next, we will improve upon these approaches by delivering new methods focusing on improving prediction accuracy, generalizability, and interpretability. This work package will also develop novel machine learning models to simulate realistic synthetic data that facilitate the testing of the INTERVENE infrastructure and crowdsourcing methods development as part of the IGS4EU platform.
WP4 - Sustainable infrastructure for genetic score reporting and AI development: the IGS4EU platform
This work package is focused on setting up the IGS4EU platform as a sustainable infrastructure for genetic score reporting and AI development. Here, the core design and security infrastructure of the platform is developed. Subsequently, infrastructures are built for (a) the computing of genetic scores, and (b) the competitive AI methods development. Additionally, the genetic score reporting tool is designed and built. Upon completion of the IGS4EU platform, the platform can be used for the generation of population-representative genetic scores based on the methods developed in WP3 using the data access arranged in WP1 and WP2.
WP5 - AI solutions in clinical setting
This work package is focused on two clinical pilots of polygenic risk scores for decision support and primary prevention of cardiometabolic diseases (IHD and T2D) and breast cancer. Here the first clinical pilots of the highly promising genetic scores will be conducted to pave the way for future applications of the IGS and the IGS4EU platform. Development and testing of the tool for reporting genetic scores to patients is done in collaboration with WP6.
WP6 - Ethical and legal framework for AI and genetics
This WP will evaluate how to ensure that the AI-based tools and genetic scores developed in INTERVENE comply with all relevant ethical and legal regulations. We will guarantee full GDRP-compliance of the INTERVENE data framework, the IGS4EU platform, and the novel AI-based methods. Moreover, an ethical and legal framework is developed to support the exploitation of the INTERVENE outcomes to pave the way for clinical implementation of AI-based genetic scores in Europe.
WP7 - Project management and coordination
This work package ensures the effective operation of INTERVENE as well as timely delivery results by coordinating the project in both administrative and technical terms. Moreover, WP7 will be the connecting link between all the WPs, ensuring engagement of all relevant partners, whilst monitoring their progress, and ensuring that the project works as an integrated whole.
WP8 - Dissemination, exploitation, and sustainability of the project outcomes
WP8 runs in parallel to the other packages for the entire lifecycle of the project and focuses on dissemination and exploitation of the project’s progress and outcomes through a range of activities.
WP8 will support and collaborate with all the partners to ensure information flow from the other work packages to enable information to be shared externally. Its key aim is the widest possible dissemination of the project’s results to both the research community and all other interested/identified stakeholders. WP8 aims to establish links with this community, facilitating effective communication to ensure that INTERVENE’s objectives are well known.
WP9 - Ethics requirements
The objective is to ensure compliance with the ethics requirements as part of e.g. clinical studies, personal data protection, and data transfers.